
Aluminium Window Painting and Restoration


Aluminium Window Painting and Restoration in the Gold Coast and Brisbane.


Window restoration and Window painting will give new life to your embarrassing, ugly coloured window frames for up to 65% cheaper than replacement cost.

Yes, it’s true… Your existing aluminium windows and doors can look and work like new again with professional window painting and window restoration  to match your updated styles and preferences.

It’s no longer necessary to spend massive amounts of money to remove and replace your existing windows and then face the added repairs to the surrounding surfaces.

Window Revival, Australia’s #1 Awarded Aluminium Window and Door Restoration Specialists can repaint and restore existing windows and sliding doors… in place, and without having to remove and damage any surrounding surfaces 

Best of all, in place window painting and restoration can often result in savings of up to 65% when compared to the cost of replacement.

Whether you are putting on an extension, renovating or just rendering and painting your external walls… if your existing windows and sliding door frames just don’t fit in or look the part any more… professional window painting and window restoration by Window Revival could just be the difference between an ‘OK’ finish and a ‘WOW’ finish.

Window Revival often gets called when a renovation is almost complete… usually when the owners realise the existing window and door frames no longer match, and actually detract from the renovation finish.

Because we can perform window restoration and window painting without damaging or affecting surrounding surfaces, our customers are always extremely satisfied with the resulting high quality two-pac finish we can achieve.

Get in touch with us by giving us a phone call or filling up our online form. Once we have the necessary information, our expert technicians will handle all the grunt work to re-store your windows and doors in the colour of your choice while you sit back and relax.

If you need a free quote, do not hesitate in giving us a phone call at 1300 882 482 or getting in touch with us through our online form.

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